Saturday, 6 December 2014

Tweet of the week - The weather in 2050

This week, as part of the UN Climate Change Conference in Lima, the WMO has been releasing a daily video with a weather report of a day in 2050 for different countries. These reports are based on a climate change scenario where we keep increasing our greenhouse gas emissions - and they are quite alarming!

You can find all the videos (including an earlier batch of videos released in September during the UN Climate Summit) in the WMO website.

Here is the one for Spain, remembering the 2010 heatwave with some "nostalgia".


  1. Hi Claudia, interesting post. I have been looking through the different videos and yes, they're scary. In the particular case of Spain, they only focus on the IPCC forecast of more frequent and long heat waves but I thing it would be worth mentioning the very likely extreme droughts and extended wildfires that this region will probably have to face in the future with considerable impacts on agriculture.

  2. I really enjoyed this post. Vietnam is very concerned about its energy future and the impact of climate change. Since Vietnam is a coastal country, flooding currently remains a problem, even for major cities such as Ho Chi Minh City. It would be sad to see Vietnam become inhospitable and I hope that the international community would help many countries of the world tackle environmental challenges (whether these can be attributed to climate change or not). Keep up the great posting! :)
